like dissolves like rc1

Looks like it is a wrap. Started in earnest on 15Dec21 with a handful of short bass loop motifs gathered over the last two years. Final mixes done tonight, 29Dec21. And during those two weeks, changed laptops, learned a new DAW (Ableton Live), Plugins/keyboard (Komplete Kontrol) and interface (RME Babyface Pro FS).

All instrumental for now – I reserve the right to add lyrics, vocals and/or solos from guest players at some point with remixes. As it stands, this is just me with my Fodera basses, a midi controller, and a laptop. Now that’s a staycation…props to Shirley for extreme patience. She heard various bits over and over and over and over – plus she gave some great notes. Producer credit for the wonderful Ms. Tse.

These should end up on Spotify, Apple Music, etc in January. For now, the release candidates in mp3. A fairly eclectic group of tunes, and more towards the “filmic” side of things. Happy listening.

like dissolves like (2022)

Apple Music | Spotify | YouTube Music

Teleplay Four Two 2:29
Tightly Held 3:03
Harris Grade 2:42
Goodnight Sweet Prince 3:51
El Rey 2:57
Sontour 4:34
Funkish Refrain 3:13
If 9 2:23