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my doc

I like my doc. I've been seeing him for about 8 years now. He's up in Pasadena and not on the "90%" list with my PPO (meaning I have to pay more), but I still make the trek to see him. Went in today to have him check on my leg wounds and hopefully get more meds, as the scripts from the ER had run out (they only gave me 20 vicodin and a week's worth of antibiotics). I called my doc's office yesterday seeing if he'd just call in a refill but he wanted to see me (like a good doc should). He didn't have any appointments but when he found out what happened he said, "pick a time and come in tomorow." He didn't even look at the wounds, instead calling a plastic surgeon colleague 2 doors down and having me hobble down there. And he's finding a plastics guy on the westside for weekly followups. He also wrote me a prescription for more antibiotics and a *bunch* of vicodin. With a refill. I like my doc.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on August 24, 2006 2:27 PM.

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